Eclipse is the most popular IDE(Integrated Development Environment). It is designed for Java, so it has many features for the rapid development of Java applications. In this article, we will know how to install Eclipse in Ubuntu or any other Linux distribution.

How to install Eclipse in Ubuntu?

For most Linux distributions, the Eclipse installer should be available in the distros’ default repositories. So you can open up the software center and search ‘Eclipse’, and you should have it to install. For example, I have installed Zorin OS 15.1. To install Eclipse on Zorin OS, open Software and search Eclipse. Zorin is based on Ubuntu, so any other distro based on Ubuntu LTS release has Eclipse in the default repository.Install eclipse from software center Hit the install button, and the software center will install Eclipse IDE with all the dependencies. Now open the eclipse from the application menu. If your Linux distro does not have a software center, you can use Synaptic or apt to install Eclipse. If you use a Linux distro based on Fedora or Arch, you can use the default package manager to install Eclipse. For example, Fedora uses dnf package manager, or CentOS uses yum, or Arch uses pacman.

Install Eclipse from source code

It is also possible that your Linux distribution’s repo does not have Eclipse installer. No problem! We can download the .tar file from the Java website and install Eclipse IDE easily.


Please install Java before proceeding further. Follow this guide to install Java in Ubuntu or this guide for Fedora or CentOS.

Download Eclipse IDE

It will download the Eclipse IDE installer for your computer. It is a compressed tar file. Now extract the compressed file. And right-click the eclipse-inst file and click run. We need to install Eclipse IDE for Java developers. The installer will start and has a few options. So click the first option, ‘Eclipse IDE for Java Developers’. Select the directory where you want to install Java VM and Eclipse. You can leave these fields as default. Remember the installation folder; this is where Eclipse will be installed and will need to be started from each time you want to open Eclipse IDE. Next, accept the certificates to continue the installation. Accept the terms & conditions. And that’s about it. Eclipse IDE has been successfully installed on your Linux system. Now click the ‘Launch‘ button or go to the installation folder and click ‘Eclipse‘ to fire eclipse.


Finally, you can Launch Eclipse IDE and start writing Java code. If you have any trouble with any of the above steps, please let me know in the comment section below.